Safe Driving Means Saving Money

save on car insurance with wireless device

Did you know you can save money on your auto insurance just by practicing safe driving? Some companies are using car telematic programs to do so. Car telematic programs are wireless devices that communicate with each other. In the world of auto insurance, this means that insurers collect data by using a small in-car tracing … Read more

7 Ways to Reduce Your Cyber Risk

business insurance - cyber insurance fulton county new york

As businesses become more dependent upon technology, the risk for cyberattacks increase. Not only are cyberattacks costly, they’ve been shown to reduce customers’ trust in the business, potentially costing lost revenue. According to a report by Juniper Research, the worldwide cost of business data breaches could be as high as $5 trillion by 2024! So … Read more

Essential Routine Vehicle Maintenance

car insurance - routine vehicle maintenance tips

In rural America cars are absolutely essential to our everyday lives. When you need to head to work or the market, you walk out to your car and expect it to start right up. To keep your car running and avoid potentially costly breakdowns, you should get into the habit of conducting these regular vehicle … Read more

Homeowners Insurance Facts

homeowner's insurance

When you decide you want to buy your first home, homeowners insurance may not be the first thing you think about. However, most mortgage lenders require you to have home insurance before they will approve your loan. There are a few things you should know about homeowners insurance. What’s Covered in a Home Insurance Policy? … Read more

Reopening Office to Limited In-Person Visits

Update: July 24, 2020 As the climate of COVID-19 continues to change, Jankowski Insurance Agency continues to adapt as well. At this time, we are able to announce the return of limited in-person visits to our location. Please know, this does not mean we will stop offering the services we have adapted to this point. … Read more

COVID-19 Notification

April 10, 2020 Dear Valued Insurance Customer, We hope that this message finds you and your family safe and healthy. We have been required by New York State to send this letter to you. Are you having financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and are unable to pay premiums that are due? … Read more

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