Located in Broadalbin, NY
Contact Us at Jankowski Agency, Inc.
Located just off of Lake Sacandaga, the Jankowski insurance agency is nestled in historic Broadalbin, NY. This family owned insurance agency has been serving the people of Perth, Johnstown, the Adirondacks and the State of New York for over 70 years. Offering various types of insurances, contact us using the information below to see how we can help you with your personal and business insurance needs.
Family Owned and Operated
Serving Greater Fulton-Montgomery Area
- 518-883-3415
- 833-924-0482 (toll free)
- 518-888-3054 (text message)
- 518-883-8786 (fax)
7 W Main St
Broadalbin, NY 12025 -
PO Box 697
Broadalbin, NY 12025 -
Monday-Friday, 8am to 4:30pm
Other times by appointment
Contact a Team Member Directly
Jim Jankowski
518-883-3415, ext. 23
518-876-8380 (direct phone number)
Katrina Owens
Vice President
518-883-3415, ext. 25
518-876-8383 (direct phone number)
Debbie Kearns
Office Manager
518-883-3415, ext. 21
518-876-8382 (direct phone number)
Alicia Elmendorf
Agent / CSR
518-883-3415, ext. 27
518-876-8381 (direct phone number)
Josh Jankowski
Marketing Manager
518-883-3415, ext. 22
518-876-8385 (direct phone number)
Diane Phibbs
Agent / CSR
518-883-3415, ext. 28
518-876-8384 (direct phone number)
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