Safe Driving Means Saving Money

Did you know you can save money on your auto insurance just by practicing safe driving? Some companies are using car telematic programs to do so.

Car telematic programs are wireless devices that communicate with each other. In the world of auto insurance, this means that insurers collect data by using a small in-car tracing device. Yes, that might sound intimidating, but there are many reasons how these devices could be useful to you.

safe driving can help you save on car insurance with wireless device

How to Save Money on Car Insurance with Wireless Driving Monitors

Do you want to pay less for car insurance? Your car insurance should be based on how you drive. Careful drivers can be rewarded for their good driving habits. You can see how your driving affects your rates.

Wireless Devices for Teen Driver Safety

Having a teen driver out on the roads for the first time can be scary. Telemetric tracing devices allow you to see if your teen is driving safely. Are you scared of them being reckless with the family vehicle? You are able to gather information such as braking or accelerating too quickly, for a teaching moment that could one day save their life.

Jankowski Agency offers Car Insurance Savings through Safe Driving Programs

There are a few insurance companies that use this technology today. Each has their unique device that allows you to personalize your rates based on how you drive. You can start saving by calling Jankowski Agency Inc. at 518-883-3415, text us at 518-888-3054 or send us a message online.


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